Таганрогский институт имени А.П. Чехова


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Телефоны факультетов, кафедр и структурных подразделений ТИ имени А.П. Чехова



Новости  все

20 января, 2014

5th International Conference: Language and Speech synchronic and diachronic

The organization and holding of this conference is supported by the RFH Grant N 14-04-14032. Dates: 01-03 October 2014.

5thInternational Scientific Conference held in Taganrog Department of German, Taganrog State Pedagogical Institute named after A.P. Chekhov is the fifth time since 2005.

The success of the previous conferences gives us hope for a great response this time also. The previous conferences gathered many scholars bothexperiencedand young, of Belarus, Ukraine, Poland, Uzbekistan, Germany, Spain, Italy, Iran, Jordan, Malaysia, Greece, India, Turkey, Algeria, the Netherlands and Albania; cities of Russia: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Belgorod, Tambov, Volgograd, Saratov, Rostov-on-Don, Krasnodar, Stavropol, etc.

Four conferences were held under the title: "Issuesof language theory and methodology of teaching foreign languages."

5th International Scientific Conference 2014 is dedicated to the memory of the Honored Scolar of Russia, Professor, Doctor of Philology Peter Veniaminovich Chesnokov and will take place in the mainstream of the researches of his school "Language units in the semantic aspect."

Great attention will be paid to the functioning of different levels of linguistic units and categories of speech with regard to the factors of intra-and cross-cultural communication, pragmatics of speech. For the first time we will address the theory of language and speech not only the synchrony , but the diachrony tooin the comparative- typological aspecton the material of languages from different groups, including non-literate ( such as the Ket language, Native American languages in North America). The idea of "internal" and " external" forms of the word, "deep" and "surface" structures of language will be further developed. The subject of discussion will be the problem of translation, the relation of language and speech, text and discourse. The study of the problem of language and speech in comparative terms, and in the treatment of a variety of modern trends in linguistics (functional, cognitive, pragmatic, social, contensive, contrastive etc.) will give the picture of a universal mechanism for mainstreamingas the process of translating the word of the language in question.

Proceedings of the conference will be published in the collection of scientific papers and placed in the final form.

The conference will be held at the Taganrog State Pedagogical Institute named after A.P. Chekhov, Taganrog, Russia. The deadline for applications is 1st Mai 2014.The program includes plenary session, the work of the sections, discussions, round table on the following issues:

  1. Language and its grammatical categories in diachronic perspective.
  2. Grammar and other subsystems of the language.
  3. Cross-cultural communication and translation.
  4. The problem of linguistic and diachronic typology.
  5. Pragmalinguistics and speech activity .
  6. Text, discourse, speech in anthropocentric paradigm.
  7. Linguistic identity and speech genres.

Working languages: Russian, English and German.

Example of order.


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